Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (2024)

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Tina, here.

Can grown women wear shorts? Yes. Short-shorts?It’s really a matter of taste, height and age when it comes to how short your shorts can be.As a general rule of thumb, short-shorts are not so fine on a 40-something, no matter how svelte and cool you may be.Let's break it down, shall we? How short can you go?

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (5)

High school senior Rizzo, far right, in shorts and heels – very Pink Lady. Very “bad girl” back then even for Grease.But today it's an everyday site on 40-something moms. Is this ok? Maybe, maybe not. Image source.

I'm just gonna come right out and say it. Short-shorts are a no-no on the over-40 brigade, but you knew that.

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (6)

Umm. Can we agree that this shorts and heels ensemble is not classy on women of a certain age? It's the heels with the shorts that really seals the deal. Even the kid in the background had to turn the other way. Photo by Emilio Labrador.

Shorts typically come in 3″, 5″, 7″ and 9″ lengths.

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (7)

The 3″ (and 2") shorts are basically underwear, so approach with caution, or please not at all.

Five and seven inch shorts are a good average inseam, and also a good marker for casual (i.e. not business) skirts and dresses.

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (8)

BIG difference between those 2 inch inseams, the 3" and 5".

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (9)

These are 7" inseam shorts on me. I have pretty long legs, so I like the 7" instead of the 5". My fave 5" shorts are inside the May Style Vault for you to purchase. Cute colors and the best fit I've found. And inexpensive, too!

Nine inch shorts are officially in the Bermuda shorts camp, and a bit longer is called a walking short. If you measure in at under 5’2″, these are too long for you to wear because you won't have any legs. For those of you who do wear Bermuda shorts, they need to be fairly fitted. And they need to hit above your kneecap, not on the knee, not under. Definitely not under, mkay cupcakes? Because that would make them evil capris.

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (10)

If you wear longer shorts, please make sure they are tapered nicely so they don't look ginormous like these do.

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (11)

Much better. These Bermuda shorts are just a bit shorter in length than the ones above, and they fit my thighs better, i.e. they are more fitted and less roomy.

The longer your shorts are the higher heel you can wear with them. The reverse is also true. The shorter your shorts, the lower your heels need to be.

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (12)

A classy look with shorts and wedges, with a long sleeve blouse, which balances the amount of skin being shown.

A couple other caveats. No cuffs on your shorts, dears. They add inches to your thighs.

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (13)

The cuffs on the shorts on the right act like a highlighter around your thighs. You want a clean line, like on the left, with no cuffs or rolls.

No cargo shorts.

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (14)

The extra pockets add weight right where you least want it or want to draw attention to. It's like having love handles on your thighs. If you love the pockets, carry a handbag.

Ladies, you may not wear stone khaki shorts this summer. Unless you are impersonating a camp counselor or waiting tables at the corner ice cream parlor.

Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (15)

Huh. Interesting. A bunch of men. All wearing, what do you know, but khaki shorts. That, my lovelies, is why we do not wear khaki shorts. Photo by Robert Occhialini.

I found all kinds of cute shorts for you to wear this summer, in all lengths (except the tacky 2" and 3", as if) and sizes. Chambray, cotton, dressy-casual and super laid back styles. Join the Style Vault so you can shop all my best picks for summer paired with complete outfits you can buy right from the Vault. Getting dressed was never easier or more fashionable. Or smart - over $1,000 in savings for Vault Insiders during the month of May. Well worth the $7.99/mo membership fee.

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Shorts: How Short Can You Go? (2024)


How short can shorts be? ›

Shorts typically come in 3″, 5″, 7″ and 9″ lengths. The 3″ (and 2") shorts are basically underwear, so approach with caution, or please not at all. Five and seven inch shorts are a good average inseam, and also a good marker for casual (i.e. not business) skirts and dresses.

What length of shorts are too short? ›

A good rule of thumb is that shorts should end approximately two inches above the top of the kneecap. This tends to be a sweet spot for men who want true shorts, but not short shorts. This placement is also a good place to start when considering a client's body type in a conversation about shorts.

Can I wear 5 inch shorts? ›

Embracing the Versatility of Shorts

Their length makes them perfect for the gym or on a run because they offer just enough coverage without being too baggy. And with less material, more of your leg is exposed to help prevent overheating. Away from the gym, 5-inch shorts can be worn for many occasions.

Are 7 inch shorts too short for guys? ›

For people with more self-confidence in their thighs, the 5″ inseam is the best option. If you have a 5-inch inseam, you're likely to have a mid-thigh gap. 5 to 7-inch inseam shorts are excellent for men between 5'5″ and 6'1″ in height.

Why are 5 inch shorts popular? ›

This goes hand by hand with the fact that quads became the new biceps in today's society. So, the obvious reason that these shorts are trending for men is that they simply show more legs. So, men wearing 5-inch shorts and having strong legs with quads are the ones who receive the whole focus of attention.

What does 5 in shorts mean? ›

The 5-inch short is simply a short that falls 4-6 inches above the knee with a 5-inch inseam and is classically preferred by runners.

What size shorts should a 5'9 man wear? ›

Quick Inseam Guidelines

If you're 5'8” or under, you might want to go with the 5" inseam. Guys falling between 5'8” and 6' would do well to consider 7”. Any taller than 6', and a 9” inseam is a good option for you.

Are guys wearing shorter shorts? ›

Athletic shorts were noticeably short between the 1940s and 1980s before trends shifted towards above- or at-the-knee shorts or longer. Since 2021, shorter men's shorts have been trending.

How to tell if shorts are too small? ›

Shorts that are too small can look just as silly. If you think you may have a pair of shorts that are too tight, try this trick: if you can fit your index and middle finger between the skin and the shorts with ease, then they're likely not too tight. But if it's a struggle, then they're definitely too tight.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.