Men’s Prom Outfit Ideas | Unique Looks | Just Men’s Shoes (2024)

By JustMens Shoes

Men’s Prom Outfit Ideas | Unique Looks | Just Men’s Shoes (1)

Need a hand coming up with unique prom outfits for guys? Your prom is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, a chance to make lifelong memories, and an opportunity to show off your one-of-a-kind style! Naturally, you want to look your absolute best.

Whether you prefer to keep it traditional with a classy tux or turn heads with an over-the-top ensemble, we have the footwear you need to tie the whole look together. After all, your shoes can make or break the outfit!

Let’s start with prom fashion do’s and don’ts, and then we’ll recommend some men’s prom outfit ideas that are sure to pop.

Start With the Basics

First, you should have a general idea of what your outfit should look like. From there, you can decide how to put your own flourishes on your garb.

Prom Must-Haves:

  • A suit or tuxedo
  • A tie or bowtie
  • A dress shirt
  • Dress socks
  • Classy shoes

Optional Accessories:

  • A fedora, trilby, or other formal hat
  • Suspenders
  • Cufflinks
  • A pocket square
  • Jewelry
  • A vest
  • A boutonniere
  • A watch

Outfit Ideas (With Shoes to Match)

Now that you have a basic framework in place, let’s take a look at some men’s prom outfit ideas that will have you looking dapper or daring, depending on how you approach your ensemble. We included classic and unique prom outfits for guys so you can find a look that fits your personality and style.

Go Big With the Quintessential Tuxedo

Men’s Prom Outfit Ideas | Unique Looks | Just Men’s Shoes (2)

When in doubt, you can’t go wrong with the iconic black and white tuxedo. A timeless look that exudes elegance, a tuxedo is so classy, and every well-dressed gentleman should wear one whenever the opportunity presents itself. If you want something a little different than the norm, go with a white tux with black accents. It’s still sophisticated but a bit bolder for those who want to stand out from the crowd.

Footwear: Tuxedo Shoes

Choose Your Favorite Color

As you explore men’s prom outfit ideas, don’t be afraid to wear something larger than life! This is your night and your time to shine. When are you going to get another chance to rock a yellow suit (with yellow shoes to match)? Big, bright colors look stunning if you wear them proudly. Plus, your friends will have no problem finding you on the dance floor. Match the color of your shoes to the color of your suit — easy and effective.

Footwear: Shop by Color

Party Like a Rockstar

If you want all eyes on you, consider a suit or tux with distinctive patterns like animal prints, paisley, or plaid, as well as shiny metal chains, rings, and other vibrant accessories that make you feel like a rockstar. Look to your favorite musicians for men’s prom outfit ideas, and then use that style as inspiration to create something that’s uniquely you. Dressy doesn’t have to be boring, so take a stroll on the wild side!

Footwear: Exotic Prints or Spiked Loafers

Keep it Simple and Sharp

If the unique prom outfits for guys aren’t fitting your vibe, don’t feel pressured to dress too over-the-top. Some gentlemen prefer something subtle and sophisticated, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. A tailored navy blue or gray suit with a white dress shirt and a red tie is such a dapper look, and a pair of brown Oxford dress shoes will pull the whole outfit together. As an added bonus, this is one of the most versatile men’s prom outfit ideas, so you can reuse the ensemble for job interviews, weddings, and any other occasion that requires distinguished attire.

Footwear: Dress Shoes

Adorn Yourself in Luxurious Velvet

Men’s Prom Outfit Ideas | Unique Looks | Just Men’s Shoes (3)

There’s something about velvet that’s so luxurious, especially in deep shades like maroon, purple, royal blue, olive, and red. Choose your color, get matching velvet shoes, and wear a white dress shirt with either a matching bow tie or a black bow tie. This look really pops with some gold jewelry for some extra decadence, and don’t forget the boutonniere.

Footwear: Velvet Shoes

Celebrate Spring in Pastel Pink

Wearing pastel pink is one of the best men’s prom outfit ideas for guys who aren’t afraid to be the trendsetter in the room! Prom is usually a springtime event, so the color works beautifully. If pink’s not your thing, you could go with baby blue, lavender, light yellow, or light orange for a similar springy aesthetic. Pink shoes with rhinestones or crystals will add a magical vibe that shimmers and shines under the lights.

Footwear: Pink Shoes (or whatever pastel you prefer)

Combine Flashy and Classy With Gold

If you’re looking for truly unique prom outfits for guys, consider dressing head-to-toe in radiant gold! If you put in the effort, this is one of those men’s prom outfit ideas that will be talked about long after the big night has come and gone. Start with a gold suit or tux, add some gold kicks and gold jewelry, and let your personality shine.

Footwear: Gold Shoes

Shop Around for More Ideas

We hope this guide is helpful as you put together the ultimate prom ensemble. If you’re still not sure how to proceed, start by browsing our Prom and Dance collection. Once you have your shoes picked out, it’ll be much easier to decide on complementary men’s prom outfit ideas.

Check our style blog for more fashion tips that will have you dressed for success wherever life may take you. Put your best foot forward, and make your prom an unforgettable experience with affordable, high-fashion footwear from Just Men’s Shoes!

Men’s Prom Outfit Ideas | Unique Looks | Just Men’s Shoes (2024)


What shoes do guys wear to prom? ›

A: Opt for dress shoes that complement the formality of your outfit, such as classic black oxfords or sleek loafers. Make sure your shoes are clean, polished, and comfortable enough to dance the night away.

What are guys supposed to wear to prom? ›

There are several options available for men, including tuxedos, suits, and even casual outfits. Tuxedos are usually considered formal wear and are typically worn with a bow tie or necktie. Suits are slightly less formal but still appropriate for a prom setting; they come in a variety of styles and colors.

How to look good for prom guys? ›

  1. Suit or Tux: It's prom—polo shirts are not okay.
  2. Tie or Bow Tie: Which one is up to you. Bow ties work best with tuxedos.
  3. Dress Shirt: White is the way to go. If you wear a tux and bow tie, try a tuxedo shirt.
  4. Black Shoes: Shiny patent leather is great for a modern outfit. Black leather works, too.

What do guys give girls during prom? ›

Prom couples may wish to go together to choose the flowers for a custom-made corsage or boutonnière. Traditionally, the male presents a corsage or nosegay to the female as a gift, while the female would provide the boutonnière and pin it on the male's shirt or jacket.

How to choose shoes for prom? ›

Look for a pair which complement the colour of your prom outfit. Sparkly pairs in silver or gold will usually go with most dresses and help create a glamorous look. Of course, sparkly shoes are always a firm favourite for proms and other special events, follow our advice to find out how best to style them.

What is not appropriate for prom? ›

o Prom attire should reflect more a formal family occasion (like a wedding) rather than a night on the town or at a dance club. o Dresses that are too revealing, are skin tight or form-fitting, expose midriffs or cleavage, or are too short in length are not appropriate.

What is it called when a girl asks a guy to prom? ›

A Sadie Hawkins dance or turnabout is a usually informal dance sponsored by a high school, middle school or college, to which the ladies invite the gentlemen to be their dates.

What can I wear instead of a suit? ›

Crew neck sweaters, half-zip knits and V-neck jumpers are all excellent alternatives to a suit blazer. Their formal style pairs well with a long-sleeve shirt and chinos. If it is colder outside, they can also be layered under a sports or casual jacket.

What does prom stand for? ›

Although prom in its precise definition is short for promenade dance—a formal dance party for high school students held toward the end of the school year—there are several other activities that typically take place on prom night, including group photo sessions, dinners and afterparties.

Do guys still wear tuxedos to prom? ›

Unless your prom has a strict dress code, you'll have the choice between wearing a suit and a tuxedo. So what's the deal – they're both pretty smart, right? Yes, but put simply, one is more formal than the other. The main difference is satin: tuxedo jackets have it and suit jackets generally don't.

How to dress nice as a guy? ›

Styling Tips For Men
  1. Dress for the Occasion. A huge part of dressing well as a guy is looking the part. ...
  2. Choose Quality Over Quantity. Investing in high-quality clothing immediately elevates your style. ...
  3. Start with Staples. ...
  4. Priortise Fit. ...
  5. Take Proper Care of Your Clothing.

Can girls ask guys to prom? ›

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with a girl doing the asking in this day and age. One of the best ways of ensuring you have a prom date is to get creative. If you're nervous about asking a guy out to prom, don't worry about it. By the time you're finished with this article, you should be a little more confident.

What do boys wear to prom in 2024? ›

Among the top prom trends of 2024, the emergence of bold colors stands out. This year is all about embracing vibrant shades like rich emerald green suits or velvet dinner jackets, for a striking statement on prom night.

Should I wear heels or sneakers to prom? ›

If you ask us, we think prom sneakers are the best shoes to wear on the big night. For starters, they're much more comfier to wear than heels and come in a range of different styles and colors.

Do guys wear tux or suits to prom? ›

Suit or Tux

There are no rules on whether you should wear a suit or tuxedo to prom; really, the decision lies on what look you're going for. Suits are modern, easy to accessorize, and can always be reworn on other occasions! Tuxedos are more elegant, characterized by satin details and a classic, vintage appeal.

What do boys traditionally wear to school proms in the US? ›

The traditional prom look for guys is all the same: A black (or sometimes white) tuxedo rented from a local formalwear shop. If you have a dark suit that fits well and is in good quality, you can also wear this, too. Just make sure it's clean and pressed so you look your best.

What does a guy need to get for prom? ›

If you want to keep it classic, we'd recommend going with an all-black tuxedo and pairing it with either a black bow tie and vest or a bow tie and vest that matches your date's dress. Black and midnight blue are popular colors for prom tuxedos, but those aren't the only options on the table.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.